Product updates

6 new Spacewalk product features to help you find top talent faster

Last updated:
July 5, 2023
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Here's 6 recent product updates to help you find top talent faster

Are you tired of sifting through piles of resumes and cover letters, trying to find the right candidate for your open roles? Spacewalk is here to help! We've recently launched six exciting product updates that will make it easier for you to find top talent.

Lightning-fast onboarding

With our new onboarding process, you can create your branded company profile and start posting roles in less than 5 minutes!

Post roles on behalf of any brand

If you have multiple brands or work for an agency or careers office, you can now post roles under multiple brands from your single company profile.

Post jobs on behalf of any brand

Add screening questions

Ask applicants to answer important questions to help you filter out unsuitable candidates and identify the top talent faster.

Share roles on social channels

With a single click, you can share your roles on popular social channels like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, and they’ll automatically stand out with key information displayed.

Share job opportunities with your network
Share job opportunities on social media

Applicant review and tracking

We'll notify you when you receive a new application and provide a summary of all the applicants that match your criteria. You can review their profiles, CVs and contact them directly. You can also collaborate with colleagues to review applicants, make notes, vote, and track their progress along the hiring pipeline.

Review job applications and track applicant pipeline
Review job applications and track applicant pipeline

Manage opportunities

We've made it easier to manage your job postings, whether you're managing one role or many. You can move job statuses along different stages, including Draft, Publish, Close, and Archive. You can also make unlimited changes and view applicants for all your roles, even once they're archived.

At Spacewalk, we're committed to simplifying the recruitment process so you can find the right talent quickly and efficiently. To get started for free and start posting roles today, visit For more information on how Spacewalk can help with your hiring needs, visit our website at

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